Ep. 04: Wildfire Preparedness

Division Chief Ken Cruz leads a panel discussion on how folks in the field can prepare for this wildfire season.

Panelists include:

•Battalion Chief Brian Norton

•Fire Captain John Lamb

•Fire Captain Jim Day

•WEFIT Coordinator and FF/PM Natalie Nacker


Chief Schroeder's News & Noteworthy (01:15)

Wildfire Prep Panel Discussion (02:59)

http://hotlist.wildlandfire.com/  Wildland firefighter blogof nationwide incidents. Must create a free log in.

http://ftp.nifc.gov/  Public access to intel and maps including inferred.  Dig down the tree via calif N or S, then by fed (just go to the year) or  CAL FIRE (calfire first, then year), then by incident name..

https://gacc.nifc.gov/oscc/  South Ops: incident intel, resource commitments, weather, fuels.

https://gacc.nifc.gov/oncc/ North Ops:  Same as above but for Northern California.

http://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#m=sat;r=0;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;n=0;y=50;x=3.8477;z=4;  Real time lightning strike intel.

https://egp.nwcg.gov/egp/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fegp%2f  request a password.  Fire Enterprise Geospatial Portal.  Current fire information, maps, weather, fire history, etc

https://www.scout.ca.gov/nics/login   Real time fire mapping and intel.  See Jim Day or Jason Taylor to request a log in.

https://gacc.nifc.gov/oscc/predictive/weather/   South ops predictive services

For content suggestions, please contact Multimedia Specialist Kevin Hansen at kevinhansen@ocfa.org